Numismatic Catalog of Venezuela
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Page code bbv8r-aa01-e3
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- This piece is in revision process that may change the piece code due to:
  • Change of serie definition
  • Incorrect identification code
Piece bbv8r-aa01-e3 (Obverse)
Photograph credits: Collectioncoin
Piece bbv8r-aa01-e3 (Reverse)
Photograph credits: Collectioncoin
Photographic Contribution
- If you have a photograph with better quality and wish to contribute, please send both sides of them following the instructions in the Contact section. Your contribution will be appreciated and will help to improve the quality of this website.
Characteristics from Design A, Type A
  • Identification Code: bbv8r-aa
  • Size: 215 x 150 mm (8.46 x 5.91 in.)
  • Obverse: On the top, the issuer name "BANCO DE VENEZUELA". Below, "Emision de la Junta de Recursos.", "Acuedo de 24 de Febrero de 1862" and "Emision de $100.000". On each side, the face value "8 Reales". In the center, the denomination in words "Vale por un peso sencillo" and the payment clause "Esta emision sera amortizable en el Banco de Venezuela con el valor del cincuenta por ciento de los derechos de importacion que se causen en la aduana de La Guaira despues de pagarlo el emprestito de 20 de Octubre de 1859. Mensualmente inutilizará el Banco una cantidad igual al producto liquido del referido cincuenta por ciento y remitirá los billetes a la Contaduría General para su incineración. Si para el 30 de Junio de este año no estuviere saldada la emisión el Banco recogerá los billetes que aun queden circulantes con dinero efectivo." «This issue will be redeemable at the Bank of Venezuela to the value of fifty percent of the import duties that are causing in the office of La Guaira after the loan payment of October 20th, 1859. Monthly the Bank will invalidate an amount equal to the net production of that fifty percent and will send the banknotes to the General Accountant for incineration. If by June 30 of this year the issue is not settled, the bank will collect the banknotes that are still circulating with cash», "Adminisible en todas las oficinas nacionales y municipales" «Admissible in all national and municipal offices».
  • Reverse: No design.
  • Identification Code: bbv8r-aa01-e3
  • Piece type: Normal issued banknote
  • Date: Marzo 01 1862
  • Serie: E3. Prefix E followed by 3 digits
  • Amount: 900.
  • Printer: Unknown
  • Serial interval: Unknown. Known E265 - ???
Update known serial number interval
- If you have a piece with a serial number out of the known interval or an unknown serie prefix, you can send the comment along with a photograph following the instructions in the Contact section. Your contribution will be appreciated and will help to improve the quality of this website.
- Due to the absence of official information on the banknotes issuance made by private and public entities before the creation of the Central Bank of Venezuela, the list includes known pieces or pieces referenced in a bibliography.
  • El Gobernador «The governor»: Unknown
  • Presidente de la Junta «President of the board»: Unknown
  • Administrador en el Ramo de Emisión «Administrator in the issuing branch»: - Default -
Identification in other catalogs
NOTE: The piece identification from the Standard Catalog of World Paper Money (SCWPM) used in this website is updated to: Specialized issues (7th edition - 1995), General issues 1368-1960 (14th edition - 2012) and Modern issues 1961-2019 (25th edition - 2019)
Recommended bibliography