Obverse: Design in green. On the left, allegorical of Liberty with Phrygian cap. On the right, allegorical of cherub with the denomination value "20" within a guilloche above. On the top, the issuer name "BANCO CARACAS", "COMPAÑÍA ANÓNIMA" and the legend of the capitalization amount "CAPITAL B. 6.000.000". On the upper left and bottom right corners, the denomination value "20". On the bottom, the signatures zone with the value in words "VEINTE" «twenty» as background. Above, the date filling space "Caracas ______ de 19__". In the center, the denomination in words "VEINTE BOLIVARES" «twenty Bolívares» with the payment clause "EL BANCO CARACAS PAGARÁ AL PORTADOR EN DINERO EFECTIVO" «The Banco Caracas will pay to the bearer in cash» / "A LA PRESENTACION DE ESTE BILLETE" «upon presentation of this banknote».
Reverse: Design in green. In the center, allegorical of the Justice with an scale and sword surrounded by the issuer name "BANCO CARACAS", "COMPAÑÍA ANÓNIMA" and the capitalization amount. On each side and on the corners, the denomination value "20" within a guilloche.
Production information: December 1912: 100,000 pieces (serie G5, interval G00001 - G99999) and G100000
Design variations in the obverse: From Design A, Type B, with overprint "PAGADERO EN LAS OFICINAS DEL BANCO" «Payment to the bearer at the bank offices».
Signatures: "Director" «Director», "Director" «Director» and "Gerente" «Manager»