Numismatic Catalog of Venezuela
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Page code bbcc100bs-aap2
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Piece bbcc100bs-aap2 (Reverse)
Photograph credits: Marcos Urrutia
Photographic Contribution
- The photographic reference of this piece is incomplete. If you have this piece and wish to contribute, you can send a photograph of both sides following the instructions in the Contact section. Your contribution will be appreciated and will help to improve the quality of this website.
Characteristics from Design A, Type A
  • Identification Code: bbcc100bs-aa
  • Size: 200 x 104 mm (7.87 x 4.09 in.)
  • Obverse: Design in black with underprint in blue. On the upper left, allegorical of a seated woman. At right, Christopher Columbus. In the center, the issuer name "BANCO COMERCIAL", "SOCIEDAD ANÓNIMA", capitalization amount "CAPITAL" / "B/3,200,000" (both with the denomination value "B/100" as background), "Carácas" with the date filling space "____ de 188___", the value in words "VALE POR CIEN BOLIVARES" «Worth for one hundred Bolivares», payment clause "que se pagarán al portador en Carácas á la presentacion" «payable to bearer in Caracas upon presentation» and capitalization amount "CAPITAL B/3,200,000". In each corner, the denomination value "100".
  • Reverse: Design in blue. In the center, Coat of Arms with the issuer name splitted in two parts "BANCO" / "COMERCIAL" above and below. In each corner, the denomination value "100".
  • Production information: June 1886: 5000 pieces (serie 4 and 5, interval 8001 - 9999 and 10000 - 13000), February 1888: 7000 pieces (serie 5, interval 13001 - 20000)
  • Identification Code: bbcc100bs-aap2
  • Date: No date
  • Serie: No serial number
  • Amount: Unknown.
  • Printer: American Bank Note Co.
  • Note: Reverse only print proof
Update known serial number interval
- If you have a piece with a serial number out of the known interval or an unknown serie prefix, you can send the comment along with a photograph following the instructions in the Contact section. Your contribution will be appreciated and will help to improve the quality of this website.
- Due to the absence of official information on the banknotes issuance made by private and public entities before the creation of the Central Bank of Venezuela, the list includes known pieces or pieces referenced in a bibliography.
  • Por el Banco Comercial «p.p. Banco Comercial»: No signature
  • Gerente «Manager»: No signature
  • Por el Banco Comercial «p.p. Banco Comercial»: No signature
Identification in other catalogs
NOTE: The piece identification from the Standard Catalog of World Paper Money (SCWPM) used in this website is updated to: Specialized issues (7th edition - 1995), General issues 1368-1960 (14th edition - 2012) and Modern issues 1961-2019 (25th edition - 2019)
Recommended bibliography