Numismatic Catalog of Venezuela
Cheng's Numismatic .
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Piece bbnv5p-aa01-5 (Obverse)
Photo from piece bbnv5p-aa01-5: Design A, Type A. Date Diciembre 06 1841. Serie 5 digits
Photograph credits: Bowers and Merena Auctions
  • Date: Diciembre 06 1841
  • Size: 190 x 150 mm (7.48 x 5.91 in.)
  • Obverse: In the center, the issuer name "BANCO NACIONAL de VENEZUELA" and the payment clause "Vale por CINCO PESOS que se pagaran al portador en Caracas á la presentacion de este billete en moneda corriente de los fondos del BANCO NACIONAL DE VENEZUELA". Above, Coat of Arms with the value in words "CINCO" «five» on each side. Below, the date filling space. On the bottom, the denomination in words "SON CINCO PESOS". On the left, allegorical of a sailing ship. On the right, allegorical of a standing woman. In each corner the denomination value "5". In the center, as background the denomination value in roman "V" (5)
  • Reverse: No design.
  • Signatures: "Director" «Director», "Director" «Director» and "Director" «Director»
SCWPM Piece Code Date Serie Amount
s236bbnv5p-aa01-5 Entry with photo Diciembre 06 1841
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