Obverse: Design in black over a background in green. In the center, On the top, the issuer name "ESTADO GUAYANA" with the denomination value "5" on each side. In the center, the denomination in words "CINCO BOLÍVARES" «five Bolívares» within payment clause "Vale por _______ amortizables con el diez porciento de los Ingresos ordinarios del Tesoro del Estado." «worth _______ redeemable at ten percent of revenue from the State Treasury». Below, the date filling space "Cd. Bolivar, __________ 1879". On the left, Arm of Guayana State. On the left and on the right the face value "1 VENEZOLANO" (from the predecessor monetary unit)
Reverse: Design in blue. In the center, the denomination in words "CINCO BOLÍVARES" «five Bolívares». On each side, the denomination value "5".
Signatures: "Presidente" «President» and "El Tesorero" «The Treasurer»