Obverse: In the center, on the left circular seal with a sun with the number 19 inside, with rays covering the field that contains seven stars that represents the seven province. In the circumference the legend "ESTADOS UNIDOS DE VENEZUELA - 1811" and on the right circular seal with a sun in the top with the number 19 inside, with a ray covering a scenery of a seaport with two sail, a palm, anchor, barrel and two trunks. In the circumference, the legend "PENA DE MUERTE AL FALSIFICADOR" «DEATH PENALTY TO THE COUNTERFEITER» with the leyend "Ocho Pesos" between theses two seals. On the top, "Hipotecado sobre Las Rentas Nacionales de la Confederación" «Mortgaged on the National Income of the Confederation» with below, the number of coupon in roman style, serial number and folio. On the left, in vertical style "Ley del 27 de Agosto de 1811." and on the right in t