Numismatic Catalog of Venezuela
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Information about coins of 25 Céntimos (Bolívar)
Common name
This coin was commonly known as "Medio", because the value is half of a "Real", a denomination that was widely used in the colony and beginning of the country.
Equivalence in predecessor monetary units
This denomination is equivalent in value to "1/4 Bolívar", "5 Centavos" (from the monetary unit "Venezolano") and "1/2 Real" (from the monetary unit "Peso Fuerte")
Predecessor pieces
The predecessor coins that had the same value were 1/4 Bolívar, 5 Centavos (from the monetary unit Venezolano) and 1/2 Real (from the monetary unit Peso Fuerte)
Coins of 25 Céntimos (Bolívar)
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