General: Circular shape with continous grained edge.
Obverse: Circular rim with dentacles beading. In the center, over the field, column in the Matasiete mountain, with the legend "BATALLA DE MATASIETE" on the top and on the bottom in each side of the column "1817/1992".
Reverse: Circular rim with dentacles beading. In the center, over the field, Coat of Arms with the motto "19 DE ABRIL DE 1810", "20 DE FEBRERO DE 1859", "INDEPENDENCIA", "FEDERACION" and "REPUBLICA DE VENEZUELA" «Republic of Venezuela». Surrounding the field, the legend "BANCO CENTRAL DE VENEZUELA" «Central Bank of Venezuela», the metallic millesimal fineness "LEI 900", the weight "31,10 GRS", the face value "500 BOLIVARES" and the year.
Conmemotative motive: 175 years of the Battle of Matasiete.