Numismatic Catalog of Venezuela
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Piece bbcv10000bs-aa01r (Obverse)
Photo from piece bbcv10000bs-aa01r: Design A, Type A. Date Febrero 10 1998. Serie Z8. Replacement banknote
Photograph credits: Leonardo Ortega
Piece bbcv10000bs-aa01r (Reverse)
Photo from piece bbcv10000bs-aa01r: Design A, Type A. Date Febrero 10 1998. Serie Z8. Replacement banknote
Photograph credits: Leonardo Ortega
Obverse (under ultraviolet light)
Piece bbcv10000bs-aa01s (Obverse, under ultraviolet light)
Photo from piece bbcv10000bs-aa01s: Design A, Type A. Date Febrero 10 1998. Serie A8. Specimen banknote
Reverse (under ultraviolet light)
Piece bbcv10000bs-aa01s (Reverse, under ultraviolet light)
Photo from piece bbcv10000bs-aa01s: Design A, Type A. Date Febrero 10 1998. Serie A8. Specimen banknote
  • Date: Febrero 10 1998
  • Identification by Sergio Sucre: 10000A
  • Size: 156 x 69 mm (6.14 x 2.72 in.)
  • Obverse: Design in red, black and ocher. On the right, portrait of Simon Bolivar based on a miniature done by J. Yáñez in 1821. On the left, watermarks zone. On the top, the issuer name "BANCO CENTRAL DE VENEZUELA" «Central Bank of Venezuela». On the bottom left the denomination in words "DIEZ MIL BOLIVARES" «ten thousand Bolívares». In the bottom right and upper left corners the denomination value "10000".
  • Reverse: Design in red, black and ocher. On the right, Theater Teresa Carreño with Coat of Arms at right. In the bottom right corner, the denomination in words "DIEZ MIL BOLIVARES" «ten thousand Bolívares». On the right, watermarks zone with the denomination value "10000". On the upper right, the issuer name "BANCO CENTRAL DE VENEZUELA" «Central Bank of Venezuela». On the upper left, the denomination value "10000".
  • Signatures: "Presidente" «President» and "Primer Vice presidente" «First Vicepresident»
SCWPM Piece Code Date Serie Amount
P81bbcv10000bs-aa01-a8 Entry with photo Febrero 10 1998
Known A00000031 - A89117421
P81bbcv10000bs-aa01-b8 Entry with photo Febrero 10 1998
Known B00060303 - B08633010

View more information about Replacement Banknote.

SCWPM Piece Code Date Serie Amount
P81bbcv10000bs-aa01r Entry with photo Febrero 10 1998
Known Z00015785 - Z03770316. Estimated Z00000001 - Z03770550
SCWPM Piece Code Date Serie Amount
bbcv10000bs-aa01p Entry with incomplete photo Febrero 10 1998
Incomplete obverse only print proof
bbcv10000bs-aa01s Entry with photo Febrero 10 1998
Stamped on both faces "ESPECIMEN SIN VALOR" «specimen with no value» in red (not perfored). Numbered specimen. Known 0017 - 0969. Estimated 0001 - 1000
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