Numismatic Catalog of Venezuela
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Piece bbcv100bs-ca10s3 (Obverse)
Photo from piece bbcv100bs-ca10s3: Design C, Type A. Date Febrero 06 1973. Serie 7 digits. Specimen banknote #3
Photograph credits: Monalisa Money Mondo
Piece bbcv100bs-ca10s3 (Reverse)
Photo from piece bbcv100bs-ca10s3: Design C, Type A. Date Febrero 06 1973. Serie 7 digits. Specimen banknote #3
Photograph credits: Monalisa Money Mondo
  • Date: Febrero 06 1973
  • Identification by Sergio Sucre: 100D
  • Size: 156 x 69 mm (6.14 x 2.72 in.)
  • Obverse: Design in brown with frame-like border. On the right, portrait of Simon Bolivar by Fraçois Desiré Roulin. On the left, watermarks zone. In the center, the denomination in words "CIEN BOLÍVARES" «one hundred Bolívares» with the payment clause "PAGADEROS AL PORTADOR EN LAS OFICINAS DEL BANCO" «Payments to the Bearier in the Offices of the Bank» below. On the top, the issuer name "BANCO CENTRAL DE VENEZUELA" «Central Bank of Venezuela». In each corner the denomination value "100".
  • Reverse: Design in brown with frame-like border. In the center, Monument to Carabobo by Antonio Rodríguez del Villar, site which Bolívar achieved the independence of Venezuela on June 24th 1821. On the left, Coat of Arms. On the right, watermarks zone. On the top, the issuer name "BANCO CENTRAL DE VENEZUELA" «Central Bank of Venezuela». On the bottom, the denomination in words "CIEN BOLÍVARES" «one hundred Bolívares». In each corner the denomination value "100".
  • Signatures: "Presidente" «President» and "Primer Vice presidente" «First Vicepresident»
SCWPM Piece Code Date Serie Amount
P48jbbcv100bs-ca10-e7 Entry with photo Febrero 06 1973
P48jbbcv100bs-ca10-f7 Entry with photo Febrero 06 1973
SCWPM Piece Code Date Serie Amount
bbcv100bs-ca10s Entry with photo Febrero 06 1973
Stamped on both faces "ESPECIMEN SIN VALOR" «specimen with no value» in red (perfored). Unnumbered specimen
bbcv100bs-ca10s2 Entry with photo Febrero 06 1973
"SPECIMEN OF NO VALUE" pinch holes. Unnumbered specimen
bbcv100bs-ca10s3 Entry with photo Febrero 06 1973
Stamped on both faces "SPECIMEN" with printer oval seal "SPECIMEN / NO VALUE" in red (perfored). Numbered specimen. Known 011 - 098. Estimated 001 - 100
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