Numismatic Catalog of Venezuela
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Piece bbcv10000bs-ba04-f8 (Obverse)
Photo from piece bbcv10000bs-ba04-f8: Design B, Type A. Date Mayo 25 2004. Serie F8
Photograph credits: Numismatic Catalog of Venezuela
Piece bbcv10000bs-ba04-f8 (Reverse)
Photo from piece bbcv10000bs-ba04-f8: Design B, Type A. Date Mayo 25 2004. Serie F8
Photograph credits: Numismatic Catalog of Venezuela
Obverse (under ultraviolet light)
Piece bbcv10000bs-ba04-e8 (Obverse, under ultraviolet light)
Photo from piece bbcv10000bs-ba04-e8: Design B, Type A. Date Mayo 25 2004. Serie E8
Reverse (under ultraviolet light)
Piece bbcv10000bs-ba04-e8 (Reverse, under ultraviolet light)
Photo from piece bbcv10000bs-ba04-e8: Design B, Type A. Date Mayo 25 2004. Serie E8
  • Date: Mayo 25 2004
  • Identification by Sergio Sucre: 10000B
  • Size: 156 x 69 mm (6.14 x 2.72 in.)
  • Obverse: Design in brown. On the right, portrait of Antonio José de Sucre. In the center, the denomination value "10000" with the denomination in words "DIEZ MIL BOLIVARES" «ten thousand Bolívares» splitted in two parts and the payment clause "PAGADEROS AL PORTADOR EN LAS OFICINAS DEL BANCO" «Payments to the Bearier in the Offices of the Bank» below. On the left, watermarks zone. On the upper left corner, the country name "REPÚBLICA BOLIVARIANA DE VENEZUELA" «Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela». In each corner but bottom right corner the denomination value "10000".
  • Reverse: Design in background color. In the center, Supreme Court of Justice, ruddy daggerwing (Marpesia petreus) at left with Coat of Arms above. On the top left, the issuer name "BANCO CENTRAL DE VENEZUELA" «Central Bank of Venezuela». In the bottom right corner,, the denomination in words "DIEZ MIL BOLIVARES" «ten thousand Bolívares». On the bottom left and upper right corners, the denomination value "10000".
  • Signatures: "Presidente" «President» and "Primer Vice presidente" «First Vicepresident»
SCWPM Piece Code Date Serie Amount
P85dbbcv10000bs-ba04-d8 Entry with photo Mayo 25 2004
Known D83856406 - D89959031
P85dbbcv10000bs-ba04-e8 Entry with photo Mayo 25 2004
Known E00000512 - E89941001
P85dbbcv10000bs-ba04-f8 Entry with photo Mayo 25 2004
Known F00131512 - F73540529

View more information about Replacement Banknote.

SCWPM Piece Code Date Serie Amount
bbcv10000bs-ba04r Entry with photo (N) Mayo 25 2004
Known Z00140920 - Z00347288
SCWPM Piece Code Date Serie Amount
bbcv10000bs-ba04-e8,e Entry with photo Mayo 25 2004
Error. Incomplete serial number printing due to folding. Cut failure
bbcv10000bs-ba04-e8,e2 Entry with photo Mayo 25 2004
Error. Cut failure with incomplete banknote produced by folding. It has significant portion of another banknote
bbcv10000bs-ba04-e8,e3 Entry with photo Mayo 25 2004
Error. Incomplete printing on the obverse. Partial Calcographic (intanglio) printing due to ink failure
bbcv10000bs-ba04-f8,e Entry with photo Mayo 25 2004
Error. Cut failure with complete banknote produced by folding
SCWPM Piece Code Date Serie Amount
bbcv10000bs-ba04s Entry with photo Mayo 25 2004
Stamped on the obverse "MUESTRA SIN VALOR" «sample with no value» in red (not perfored). Numbered specimen. Known 0010 - 1999. Estimated 0001 - 2000
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