Numismatic Catalog of Venezuela
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Piece mpc0.25r-aa05v2 (Obverse)
Photo from piece mpc0.25r-aa05v2: Design A, Type A. Date 1814. Variety #2
Photograph credits: Tauler & Fau
Piece mpc0.25r-aa05v2 (Reverse)
Photo from piece mpc0.25r-aa05v2: Design A, Type A. Date 1814. Variety #2
Photograph credits: Tauler & Fau
  • Date: 1814
  • General: Circular shape with plain edge.
  • Obverse: Dentacles beading with no rim. In the center, inside a laurel wreath, a lion holding a dotted or solid oval, with a cross within, which represents the Caracas Arms. In the top, a five points Royal Crowns. Around the perimeter, the legends "CARACAS", "AÑO DE" and the year in the bottom.
  • Reverse: Dentacles beading with no rim. In the top, interlaced trigram with the letters "VNZ" which represents Venezuela. On the top, the ammount "1/4" with each side a laurel wreath ended in the middle of the field.
  • Circulation: This was a royalist coinage.
  • Note: Due to the poor quality of coin minting for that time, the coins classified here contains design variations but mantain the same elements.
SCWC Piece Code Date Mintage
C2mpc0.25r-aa05 Entry without photo181440,000
Variety "a" according to Thomas Stohr

Crown #5
Oval #2
Cross #5
Lion #2
Branch #7
Branch #5
N/Lmpc0.25r-aa05v2 Entry with photo1814(Inc. above)
Variety "b" according to Thomas Stohr

Crown #5
Oval #1
Cross #4
Lion #2
Branch #7
Branch #9
N/Lmpc0.25r-aa05v3 Entry with photo1814(Inc. above)
Variety "c" according to Thomas Stohr

Crown #5
Oval #4
Cross #4
Lion #2
Branch #7
Branch #9
N/Lmpc0.25r-aa05v4 Entry without photo1814(Inc. above)
Variety "d" according to Thomas Stohr

Crown #5
Oval #2
Cross #4
Lion #2
Branch #8
Branch #7
N/Lmpc0.25r-aa05v5 Entry with photo1814(Inc. above)
Variety "e" according to Thomas Stohr

Crown #5
Oval #1
Cross #6
Lion #2
Branch #8
Branch #9
N/Lmpc0.25r-aa05v6 Entry with photo1814(Inc. above)

Crown #5
Oval #3
Cross #6
Lion #2
Branch #8
Branch #9
N/Lmpc0.25r-aa05v7 Entry with photo1814(Inc. above)

Crown #5
Oval #3
Cross #4
Lion #2
Branch #7
Branch #7
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